These puppets are the mascots of a bakery that sells Paku-shaped pastries! E, always a thoughtful researcher, was able to sample and analyze this delightful manifestation of Paku-ness. We await her tasting notes...
a magical travelog of the comings and goings of our pakus
I am unable to understand the strange Japanese dating system we have adopted here. By that I mean the system of writing dates, not that system of obtaining dates. I know nothing about Japanese matchmaking.
i concur, kt, but i also like this system. it makes me feel closer to our pakus, even though we don't have them yet. i also feel that after a time, we will come to not only understand it, but adapt it as our own.
This is basically an éclair in the shape of a panda head. At the time of purchase, one can choose between chocolate and custard filling (chocolate version depicted here). Both are good but I preferred the custard. A tube is placed in the panda-eclair shell's mouth and the filling is dispensed. The ears and eyes are chocolate wafer cookies.
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