Paku is now faced with the daunting prospect of rejoining the full-time workforce. And while this is indeed a horrifying prospect, of more immediate concern is Paku's impending move to New York, which is just over a week away.
Paku has found relatively little to recommend about Philadelphia but there is not doubt that it is significantly less expensive than New York City. As a result, Paku is moving from relatively spacious two bedroom, split level apartment in South Philly to a small windowless closet in Lower Manhattan.
Two controversies dominated the hallways during Paku's tenure at Wharton. The grade nondisclosure issue has been well covered elsewhere so Paku will refrain from a lengthy discussion on that topic here. Of more relevance to Paku on a day-to-day basis was the Au Bon Pain monopoly on the Wharton campus. Paku appreciates the convenience of not having to leave the building for a snack (especially in the rain) but he really doesn't appreciate paying $6 for a soda and chocolate croissant. What happened to free market competition?
But Paku digresses...
We managed to capture a few more of Paku's final moments at Wharton.