Paku, like many of you, has long heard of the legendary cheesesteak sandwiches of Philadelphia, his temporary home city. To celebrate the occasion of another Paku pal visiting from Baltimore, the two decided to partake of these delicious lunch entities.
Immediately, our intrepid pandas were faced with a choice:
Geno's or
Pat's.Paku evaluated this choice in the only way available to him: by examining their taglines. Pat's promised to be the king of steaks, and warned potential Geno's customers not to "eat a mi
steak." Geno's on the other hand, claimed merely to be "the best." In the end, Paku decided to go with Pat's, as he often considers himself the king of bears, he thought he might find himself in like company.
Paku had heard a lot about the intimidating ordering at Geno's, but he found the proprietor spoke excellent Japanese. Paku had a cheeseteak wit', with American cheese. (Paku did want to ask for Japanese cheese but decided at the last minute to adopt a 'when in Rome' attitude).

In the end, Paku was disappointed and saddened. The ribeye steak was a bit chewy, even for his bamboo munching teeth, and the cheese never melted. It was cold outside (even with his mittons on), which was the only dining option available, and the entire venture (including soda and fries) set him back more USD than he had anticipated.

However, Paku was game for this Philly tradition, and finished his entire cheesesteak, fries and diet Coke. In the end, he wondered if Geno's really could have been all that different than Pat's. He also pontificated on those food establishments that are so legendary and well known that they come to define a particular genre of food. For him, until he ate at Pat's, these two establishments were just such places. Afterwards, Paku wondered if these two places were past their prime, living on the fumes of old triumphs in the cheesesteak realm, mere shells of the legends they still claim to be. Paku was saddened, but felt as though he had to give these cheesesteaks a try. As he wandered off, he cast a glance askance at Geno's, thinking perhaps these sandwiches were probably on par with Pat's. He considered briefly stopping in and suggesting a new business plan, one that hinged on bamboo sandwiches with fruitcicle topping but considering the poor state of his english, and the likely equal state ofGeno's Japanese, our two Pakus sauntered off to spend the rest of their day touring about the city of brotherly love. What other adventures would find them?
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