Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Paku wants to know...

Here at PPPP, we are conscious of our popularity, as well as our brand image and integrity. We want to keep our readers coming back, generate a new fanbase of readers, as well as maintain the PPPP quality that you have come to know, trust and count on.

We've got a lot in store for you in the coming months, but we also value your opinion! We'd like to know what you, the PPPP reader would like to see on this blog. Granted, we may not listen to your opinion and indeed may blatantly disregard it, but we'd still like to project the image (no matter how diaphanously mauslin) that we care about you and your thoughts. With this in mind, we'd like to invite you to vote in the following poll:

Where should Paku go next?
Westfield, NJ
Lima, Peru
New York City
Free polls from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Paku,

A greeting from Cambridge, England, UK. One of us(Ushiwaka, Pankara and Shizuka) will visit USA East coast sometime not-so-far-away future with the owners nobo and hino.In a meantime, you will start your adventure in the place the readers voted for? Mars? Peru?

We will be watching your site.