Last Monday Paku awoke to a startling new reality for which he was totally unprepared. A reality in which the New England Patriots would not win a
Super Bowl XLI rematch of
Super Bowl XX against the
Chicago Bears. Struggling to cope, Paku wandered without purpose or direction through his day. Realizing he could not continue in this pathetic state, Paku decided he needed to get away from it all to reflect on the past season and put things back in perspective.

Paku has returned with high hopes for the 2007 season and also notes with excitement that the Sox's pitchers & catchers
report to spring training in less than three weeks!
Perhaps Paku should consider that for every event that did not happen here in this dimension, there exists another separate dimension in which that event (for example, the Pats winning the superbowl) is the reality (just as there is also a dimension in which the Ravens win the superbowl). These so-called "alternate realities" can be accessed via a Delorean in combination with a flux capacitor, wherein the Paku travels back in time and adjusts the flow of events in time so that the Pats at least make it to the superbowl (perhaps having Tom Brady not throw an interception to effectively end the game would be a start). Paku must always take caution, however, that in altering events, he does not erase his own existance (this is best monitored by carrying a photo of himself around).
Paku really appreciates this kind of practical advice. He has already identified several Deloreans available on ebay and of course has many, many photos of himself. If only he could find someone willing to part with their flux capacitor...
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